BLIND GUARDIAN - Battalions of Fear

Battalions of Fear FORMAT: CD
REALEASE DATE: 18.05.1988
RECORD COMPANY: No Remorse Records
USERS RATING: 14 votes

Top 1988: #51
Blind Guardian more
Hansi Kürsch - voce, bas
André Olbrich - chitara
Marcus Siepen - chitara
Thomas Stauch - tobe

1. Majesty2. Guardian of the Blind3. Trial by the Archon4. Wizard's Crown5. Run for the Night6. The Martyr7. Battalions of Fear8. By the Gates of Moria

Oh, the joy of youth... It was 1988, when the Blind one appeared on the quick metal stage, and the boys had just turned twenty. You can feel this very well on their debut album, but despite this, songs are great to awesome. Energy, hormones, daring, a sure and fast hand, a head full of ideas, naturlich some of the songs written back then are still found in the band’s set lists in today’s public meetings. It’s only when you grow up and wise up that you can replace the cool with the fun.


I think not even Tolkien’s grandsons know that much about “Lord of the Rings” as these gentlemen do. But it’s ok, they entered the Precious’ world young and never came out, so they feel like a fish in the water or an apache in the firewater. As for the music, they play from the horse’s gallop (or the nazgûl’s, more like), two songs as they don’t make anymore – Majesty and Guardian of the Blind, great hit material. One is instrumental about some trial (it is instrumental so it doesn’t say much) and then we move a bit from Sauron with “The Martyr” (Messiah stuff) and “Battalions of Fear” (about American imperialism), and we end up back before the gates of Moria and midwife for Gandalf’s birth, two instrumental pieces, the last one being quite good. In general, melody, force, speed, Tolkien. 


Of course, some might ask “what about that voice, isn’t it too high pitched?” (how ‘bout Kai Hansen when does he get a lower voice? Or, as Klawz would ask, how ‘bout Lemmy, when does his get higher?), others might say “speed is good, but it may have been more polished if it were slower”; I say forget all the ifs, I’m not Kipling I don’t know, we’d best enjoy an enthusiastic and youthful, because we’ll have plenty of time to look for flaws when we’re sixty.  I’d venture and score it 8.5 because its spirit as a youthful debut album. And I’m sure that you, when you needed tape for your Christmas tree, didn’t ruin your “Battalions of Fear” tape. 

Cristake more Nota: 8.5

Posted at 13:41 |  18 Iunie 2010  | 4 Comments  | 4355 Views

Comment on: Battalions of Fear

  • Nu-i rau pentru vremea aceea insa BG incep sa fie cu adevarat bunu odata cu cateva piese de pe Tales from the Twilight World. Somewhere Far Beyond este un album bun aproape in intregime iar Imaginations from the Other Side, Nightfall in Middle Earth si A Night at the Opera sunt capodopere. Cel mai mult imi place mai ascult si acum cateodata. Dupa A Night... au scos albume bune insa fara sa aduca noutati stilistice. In orice caz e una dintre cele mai originale si serioase trupe.

    1. Posted by Arthur | 21 Noiembrie 2010 10:34
  • Vezi, Sire, eu ma gandeam cum ar fi daca BG ar inregistra acuma Battalions. Cu vocea pe care Hansi o are acuma, cu abilitatile instrumentale pe care le au acuma etc etc. Este ca ar fi fantastic? Fata de ce compun ei zilele astea - ca tot zici ca nu mai au noutati stilistice (si cam subscriu). Dar altfel, fiecare cu subiectivismul personal, iar eu nu poci scapa de-al meu, nu stiu cine poate.

    2. Posted by Cristake | 21 Noiembrie 2010 13:55
  • Poate ca ar suna bine, nu stiu pentru ca nu l-am reascultat de ceva ani. Cand am zis ca nu au noutati stilistice nu am vrut sa zic si ca nu-mi plac ultimele albume. De fapt doar ultimul m-a dezamagit putin insa nu l-am ascultat prea mult. Poate ca m-ar fi prins daca as fi insistat. A Twist in the Myth mi-a placut.
    Mi-ar place sa ascult inca un album ca Nightfall care este preferatul meu insa nu cred ca mai sunt in stare de un tur de forta de genul ala.

    3. Posted by Arthur | 21 Noiembrie 2010 18:17
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