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Evan Hensley (NIGHTFALL): I feel that Cassiopeia is a natural continuation of what we started to develop on Astron Black

Evan Hensley (NIGHTFALL): I feel that Cassiopeia is a natural continuation of what we started to develop on Astron Black
BANDS : Nightfall

Metalfan: Hello and welcome to How are things going at the Nightfall headquarters?
Things are going well. We are just coming back from a week-long band meeting, including photoshoots, some videos, etc.


Metalfan: First of all, allow me to congratulate you for your last album, it is a great record, definitely one of the highlights of 2013 so far! It’s been a month since Cassiopeia has been released, how would you evaluate its performance? Did the fans and media reaction meet your expectations?
The performance has been overwhelmingly positive, I would say. Personally, it most certainly exceeded my expectations. I knew that we had prepared something unique but I was not prepared for such positive critical response. 
Metalfan: Why is the album called Cassiopeia? Please tell us about the symbolism and the messages hidden behind the lyrics? What is the great message of Cassiopeia?
The album refers in concept to the ancient myth of Cassiopeia, a notably arrogant queen. The album has many thematically conceptual pieces, but revolves around the central theme of arrogance and the punishments that come as a result.
Metalfan: Can you pick a track from this record that you think it represents perfectly the 2013 Nightfall?
For me it is certainly “Stellar Parallax”. Musically, this track came together very well, with strong melodies, dynamics, and maybe a more technical approach than was usually present in the past. I feel that it is well representative of where Nightfall is as a band these days. Especially after Astron Black, we are continually trying to push “our own” envelope, and tracks like this are the result.
Metalfan: Based on your own perspective, which are the main differences between Cassiopeia and the previous Nightfall albums?
The guitars and compositions. Nightfall is a band with quite a varied career, with songs running the gamut from black to death to more gothic-inspired rock. I feel that Cassiopeia is a natural continuation of what we started to develop on Astron Black, which was almost a “return to the roots”, if you will. That album drew a lot of comparisons to Athenian Echoes, and I think that Cassiopeia moves us even further into that direction: lots of guitar solos, heavy drums, epic orchestration, and mystical lyrical themes.
Metalfan: Your deep connections with the ancient Greek culture cannot be denied, but still, these influences are not so obvious on your last album. A lot of metal bands are using traditional elements in their music lately, can we expect such an approach on your future albums too?
We are open to all forms of expression, but I can’t imagine Nightfall working with anything too far outside of a “typical” metal lineup…then again, our keyboard player Stathis Kassios is always creating interesting sounds, so who knows!


Metalfan: Along Septic and Rotting Christ, Nightfall is the third pillar of the Greek metal scene. This triarchy had a decisive role in the foundation of the Greek metal scene two decades ago, do you think you are still influential today?
I believe so, yes. We are different bands altogether these days but share this common ancestry.
Metalfan: Almost all the important Greek metal bands have something in common, a feeling of passion that dominates their music, despite different stylistically approaches, similar to that subtle melancholy found in Finnish metal music. Of course this is valid for Nightfall too. Can you explain us from where comes this passion you all put in your music? Maybe it has something to do with your geographical area, with climatic conditions, or perhaps there is some ancestral genetic characteristic, hehe…
Efthimis has put it best elsewhere, something along the lines of us “all being people who respect life’s tragedies, and seek to create art from it.” Maybe we share a common attitude and gel well together. 
Metalfan: Rotting Christ had already played live several times in Romania, even Septic Flesh had a show last year, you are the only one left from the Holy Trinity who didn’t visit our country, despite we are not so far away and you have a solid fan base here definitively. Do you intend to change this, maybe presenting your latest album?
All options are on the table. Any good offer will gladly be considered. We are definitely looking forward to coming to Romania and meeting many old friends there.
Metalfan: Do you consider Nightfall more like a creative studio band and less a live act? It seems that you are not the kind of band anxious about playing on stage for fun or promotional purposes. But don’t you think that the concerts are a great way to make your music popular to a broader audience? Especially since the music industry is not doing so great in terms of CD selling…
I wouldn’t classify us exclusively one way or the other, since Nightfall has existed in different capacities over the years. Currently, yes, we are not much for touring, but I would be hesitant to put a strict label on things. After Astron Black, we did a co-headlining show with Cradle of Filth where we presented only the album; nothing more, nothing less. I don’t know if something similar would work for Cassiopeia. Nonetheless, you are right, we are not the rock n roll type of guys releasing albums to hit the road. We play this music for the sake of our personal expression. Furthermore, we are not into expanding our fan base at any cost and above all else – that’s not the point. We are metal band not a pop mainstream act.


Metalfan: Greece, and to an extent the whole Europe, is facing one of his biggest economical challenges right now. What is your point of view regarding this situation? Who do you think is to blame for this mess? 
As an American, I might approach the situation differently than my Greek comrades. I personally see a system by which peoples are placed into enormous, unsustainable debts and are then ultimately asked to pay them back at unreasonable rates, while they had little to do with the situation all along. This happens all over the world. Greece is just one of the latest victims. The origin of such a crisis varies by the country in which it develops, but it usually seems to stem from the same sources…
Metalfan: You once said during an interview that women are the greatest mystery man has ever been confronted with. Do you still stand by this statement? Or did you manage to decipher at least a part of this great mystery?
Whatever Efthimis has in mind, it sounds like he was right!
Metalfan: What is your biggest achievement as a person and as a musician?
For me, Cassiopeia is my greatest achievement as a musician. We put a lot into this record. It is nice to have it so well received. I have no idea what my biggest achievement as a person might be, I’m too young to answer that one!

Can you point out a record or more that impressed you lately?
I’ve really gotten into the Mercyful Fate and King Diamond back catalog lately. As for more modern releases…maybe the newest Testament record, or the new Wintersun album. I don’t keep up with too much these days, to be honest.

In general, what is your opinion of what is going on today in the realm of metal? Do you think the scene is better now than it was in the nineties, or even the eighties?
I’m not sure if it’s better than the 80s or 90s, but it is certainly better than the first half of the 00s. Technical, expressive music is back in attention and demand. You can even hear traces of this on modern rock radio stations. Things are definitely changing for the better, but this is of course cyclical…
Thank you very much for your time. Some final words for our readers?
You are very welcome. Greetings to all of our fans, old and new, and I do hope you have taken a liking to Cassiopeia!
Autor: Dragos P.
Vezi galeriile trupelor: Nightfall

   March 28, 2013  | 0 Comments  | 5952 Views « BACK

Comment on: Evan Hensley (NIGHTFALL): I feel that Cassiopeia is a natural continuation of what we started to develop on Astron Black


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