PHANTOM - Cyberchrist

Cyberchrist FORMAT: CD
REALEASE DATE: 01.01.1993
RECORD COMPANY: Shout! Factory

Top 1993: #29
Phantom more
"Falcon" Eddie Green - voce
Anthony Bramante - chitara
Fate Taylor - chitara
Charley Buckland - bas
Tony Borsellega - tobe

01. Well of Souls02. Six Feet Under03. Big Daddy04. Cyberchrist05. Graveyard Shift06. Psycho Zoo07. Queen of the Damned08. Blind Man's Sight09. Alive and Well10. Preying with the Mantis11. Last Man Standing12. Say Your Prayers

Once upon a time, there was something, and now it’s gone. There was a power metal band called like a fighter jet, a Yank F-something, 14, 15, can’t really tell. But their music sounded rather like European – more precisely British - metal, don’t think about Helloween, Guardian or other Germans. 


A “Cyberchrist” with some Priest influences (take a look at the cover, too), a band Phantom that had its place somewhere around Vicious Rumors, Helstar or Meliah Rage. Even Metal Church, with whom they sometimes have a certain musical kinship. The album that I’m relistening to right now after about ten years was rather well received at its time, even though it was a bit passé, since grunge was huge and doom-death (or gothic) was almost appearing, and people were still reeling after “Painkiller” and other good stuff from that time. 


Power metal was simpler then, I don’t know if simplistic: no keyboards, no bombastic choirs, to quote Mr. Bleont, “no woman director in my house” – so in other words nobody had even considered using a female vocal. Back then the bands have groupies, not like today, when they have front women (or even worse, see Sharon O., the Prince of Darkness’ wife). 


To cut to the chase, twelve songs to the point and well made, I’d highlight “Queen of the Damned”, “Alive and Well”, “Preying with the Mantis” and “Say Your Prayers” as the peaks. I would chuckle a bit with “Big Daddy”, with its more bellicose lyrics, since its chorus says: “Come wrap yourself around big daddy, or else...”


I was afraid I’d find the album out-dated by now, since my ears have been filled in this musical area by bands such as Kamelot, Rhapsody (of Fire), Edguy and so on. I’m no longer afraid, it’s like an old magazine you find in the attic. Not as shiny as the latest issue that came out yesterday, the paper may not be glossy and the pictures are almost all black and white, and the paper’s a little yellow. A swan song album, the song of American swan that had the fate of the Viennese ones. 

Cristake more Nota: 8.5

Posted at 16:18 |  22 Noiembrie 2010  | 3 Comments  | 4596 Views

Comment on: Cyberchrist

  • Catamay albumu!!! Are citeva fillere, da virfurile-s brici.
    habarnaveam ca ti-a placut, ca tu pe vremea ziceai ca Bihierit îs o trupî bunî.

    1. Posted by Geralt de Rivia | 22 Noiembrie 2010 16:26
  • Deci am emis si eu o prostie la tinerete, printre alte cateva (a se citi "mii"), si ai sa ma pisti toata viata cu Beheritu' ala. Sa nu te miri cand, intr-o zi, am sa te lovesc cu pompa de la bicicleta peste fluierul piciorului. Drept!

    2. Posted by Cristake | 22 Noiembrie 2010 18:25
  • Astia erau un fel de Metalchrist al statelor unite...


    3. Posted by Fantotzii | 24 Noiembrie 2010 09:21

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