WOLFSGREY - Pure Transylvaninan Style

Pure Transylvaninan Style FORMAT: MCD
REALEASE DATE: 27.02.2013
RECORD COMPANY: Mirgilus Siculorum

Top 2013: #174
Wolfsgrey more
Lugosi Béla - voce
Nekroführer - chitara, bas
Pestifer - chitara
Kerti József - tobe


01. Grey Wolves Ride02. Pure Transylvanian Style03. Szeklerland04. Holnap elmegyek05. Loaded Gun06. Fuck the Jazz!!!

I first came into contact with the music of the Romanians from la Wolfsgrey via the demo A released in 2008. At the time, it didn’t say much to me and I forgot they even existed. Since 2008 the band has released four more records: B Rehearsal (2008), C Rehearsal (2009), D (2010) and this material, Pure Transylvanian Style. 


The band includes Lugosi Béla and Pestifer, members of Siculicidium, and drummer Kerti József (Death Noize, ex-Labyrinth of Abyss, ex-Siculicidium) and guitarist Nekroführer, who has also been in Siculicidium, and is also a colleague with Kerti in Death Noiz. All those names won’t probably mean too much to you, but if you love old school black metal it would be a pity not to pay them the attention they deserve. Wolfsgrey is not a side-project of Siculicidium, but a separate entity. I felt the need to make this brief introduction to the band, since I’m certain that many of those who read this lines hear about the band’s music for the first time.


Going back to this demo, I can say that I rediscovered Wolfsgrey  and their primitive black metal with it. Wolfsgrey quote their influences as numara Venom, Tormentor, Bathory and Vlad Tepes. Bands from the first wave of the black metal scene. Totally old school, no compromises, no flourishes. 


The first song on the record is Grey Wolves Ride, and it could have easily found a place on the first Tormentor record - The Seventh Day of Doom (1987). Harsh and direct, it keeps the sound and atmosphere of primitive black metal. Almost 4 minutes of fury and cutting riffs. 


The second song is the title track - Pure Transylvanian Style. A sort of Countess Bathory (Venom) on steroids. Lugosi Béla has something of Attila Csihar. If this is the pure Translylvanian style of primitive black metal, I’m looking forward to new songs from this band. 


The third one is Szeklerland or, translated, The Land of the Szekely. It follows the coordinates of the Pure Transylvanian Style. I like the abrasive duel between the guitarist Nekroführer and Pestifer. They’re not Iron Maiden but this was definitely what they were going for. 


The fourth song is Holnap elmegyek in approximate translation I’m leaving tomorrow. It reminds me of Siculicidium and their studio album Utolsó Vágta az Univerzumban - The Last Gallop Through the Universe (2009). As it involves pretty much the same people as Siculicidium some influences in the music of Wolfsgrey are almost inevitable. 


The fifth song is Loaded Gun. If you liked Lost Wisdom by Burzum, you will find similarities here. And I mean the guitar parts at 1:30 to 1:53 (and not only!). I don’t know if it’s intended, but it does sound well in the context of Pure Transylvanian Style. 


The last song of the record is Fuck the Jazz!!! While I do enjoy musicians like John Coltrane or Mahavishnu Orchestra, song number 6 has something special. It is the hit song of this material, and I don’t mean it in a bad way. Don’t worry, they haven’t abandoned their aggression and metallic madness. NO! Fuck the Jazz!!! is an authentic black'n'roll song! 


It would be interesting to follow whether Wolfsgrey will manage to build on the positive parts of this record in the future. Compared to the demo A (2008), their growth is spectacular. I will end by saying that if you like traditional black metal, this record is not to be missed.

H. more Nota: 7.5

Posted at 12:05 |  30 Martie 2013  | 0 Comments  | 5332 Views

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