MEGADETH - Super Collider

Super Collider FORMAT: CD
REALEASE DATE: 04.06.2013
RECORD COMPANY: Universal Music
USERS RATING: 21 votes

Top 2013: #245
Megadeth more
Dave Mustaine - voce, chitara
Chris Broderick - chitara, voce
David Ellefson - bas, voce
Shawn Drover - tobe

01. Kingmaker02. Super Collider03. Burn!04. Built for War05. Off the Edge06. Dance in the Rain07. The Beginning of Sorrow08. The Blackest Crow09. Forget to Remember10. Don't Turn Your Back...11. Cold Sweat (cover Thin Lizzy)

Dave Mustaine keeps revolving about his fixation to release a solid and accessible hard rock/heavy metal album. Something like 1991’s Black Album, which gained Metallica more fans than it managed to piss off (what happened after that is a whole new story).


Unfortunately, Mustaine just can’t get this simple project right. Yet he perseveres and, once in a while, drops a failure like Cryptic Writings or Risk in our lap. This year, the failure is called Super Collider, and the surprise is even worse coming after a strong three record run, albums that were worthy of Megadeth’s history - not counting Th1rt3en(2011), because it is the same soup, just reheated, with little bits of the better times, and was probably meant to put an end to their contract with Roadrunner Records.


I am well aware of the idea of musical evolution and I find it normal for an artist to be expressing himself differently at 52 than he was at 22; perhaps in time, his anger has mellowed out or he has found subtler ways of expression. Surprisingly, Mustaine is still angry on a lot of things: on the system, the “world government”, Obama, gay marriage and so forth. His tragedy - and our bad luck - is that he can no longer translate this state of mind into music in a decent way.


On Super Collider, only three songs remind me of the Megadeth I used to know: Kingmaker, the furious Built for War and Don't Turn Your Back...(surprising intro!); The Blackest Crow is also interesting, even though it comes from a different book. The other 6 songs (not including the Thin Lizzy cover version) are musically so trite and harmless that, were they catchier, they would be just right to air on the radio and MTV, where Green Day and Nickleback passes for extreme metal. Indeed, there are lyrics that may catch your ears (Off the Edge, The Beginning of Sorrow) but even here, everything goes to hell when you hear Megadeth– after a 30-year career - rhyme “fire” with “desire” (Burn!).


But, despair not - there is still hope! Megadeth is nothing if not cyclical, with ups and downs and new beginning, and I really don’t think they can go any lower than this. So I wouldn’t put it beyond Mustaine to call Chris Poland or Marty Friedman again and come up, in about two years’ time, with a “back to basics” thrash album, maybe even produced by Rick Rubin!

Gedi more Nota: 6

Posted at 22:09 |  18 Aprilie 2013  | 24 Comments  | 5884 Views

Comment on: Super Collider

  • Nu-l vad pe Mustaine lucrand din nou cu Chris Poland sau cu Marty Friedman. Cu Poland nu era in relatii asa de bune (cel putin asa reiesea din documentarul Behind the Music de la VH1), iar Marty Friedman e in Japonia si pare ca se simte ok cantand J Rock. Chris Broderick mi se pare peste cei doi, chiar daca au aparut niste albume Megadeth faine cu ei.

    Una peste alta, discul nu da pe spate, dar are momente bunicele daca-l iei ca atare. Si ca tot a aparut comparatia cu Metallica, din punctul meu de vedere este peste St. Anger sau Lulu.

    1. Posted by Hellhammer_x09 | 15 Iunie 2013 12:50
  • Chris Broderick are o tehnica exceptionala, dar la capitolul identitate si compozitie mai are inca niste chestii de demonstrat. Pîna la Friedman, oricum, mai are destul de mult.
    Iar despre Mustaine si vechii lui colegi, tresa-ti amintesti ca s-a impacat cu Ellefson, care l-a dat in judecata pentru numele trupei, deci eu ma astept la orice. Mai ales ca de cînd l-a gasit pe Dumnezeu e iertator si îsi iubeste aproapele. Plus ca de la o anumita vîrsta începi sa te gîndesti cu nostalgie la anii tineretii. Plus ca, cel mai probabil Supercollider n-o sa fie pîna la urma un mare succes nici financiar nici de imagine, asa cum, cel mai probabil ar fi o re-unire a formulei clasice.
    Am vazut ca Menza a pus pe youtbe o inregistrare cu el batînd Holy Wars, oare ce parere o avea Mustaine.

    2. Posted by Geralt de Rivia | 15 Iunie 2013 13:07
  • De Chris Broderick ziceam din punct de vedere tehnic ca ar fi peste primii doi. Ramane de vazut daca se va intampla ceva prea curand in directia asta, dar daca ar fi sa ma gandesc cred ca Marty Friedman ar fi mai aproape de o intoarcere in trupa decat Poland. Iar despre "Super Collider", cred ca se vor vinde suficiente exemplare cat sa-i multumeasca pe Mustaine & Co. Eventual ar putea "arunca" piesa "Super Collider" pe coloana sonora a unui film gen "Iron Man", si ar mai scoate niste banuti frumosi de la un alt public.

    3. Posted by Hellhammer_x09 | 16 Iunie 2013 12:10
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