PIGEON TOE - The First Perception

The First Perception FORMAT: CD
REALEASE DATE: 30.04.2012
RECORD COMPANY: Lifeforce Records

Top 2012: #219
Pigeon Toe more
Martin Fischer (Marsen) - voce, chitara
Hans Fischer (Hanson) - chitara, voce aditionala
Patrick Hagmann - sintetizatoare, chitara
Ben Krahl - bas
Norman Lonhard - tobe

01. The First Perception02. The Chase03. Sneak04. The Cave05. The Man with the Cat06. A Broken Man07. Second Try08. The Crooked Path09. The Wizard pt.110. The Wizard pt.211. The Flashback
On the 30th of April several significant events have occurred throughout history, so I feel the need to recall just a few in order to realize the importance of this day. So, in 1844 Alexandru Ioan Cuza married Elena Rosetti-Solescu; in 1803 the US bought Louisiana from France for 80 million francs in gold; in 1993 Monica Seles was stabbed in the back by a fan of Steffi Graf; in 2012 the Germans from Pigeon Toe released their first record, The First Perception.
I came into contact with this band for the first time when Long Distance Calling announced that they would cooperate with a lead singer on their next album, none other than the current member of Pigeon Toe. And since Long Distance Calling is one of the bands I hold in special esteem, I wanted to hear right from the horse’s mouth what was the reason that made them give up their wonderful instrumental music for music with vocals. And so I discovered in Pigeon Toe an exceptional progressive metal/rock/alternative band, where we find small influences from Opeth, Tool, or even Faith No More. About Martin “Marsen” Fischer we can easily say that he is an exceptional singer and a great guitarist. But what made me fall in love with Long Distance Calling were the instrumentals, so I am a bit skeptic about the success of this cooperation.
Back to the issue at hand, on the other guitar we have Marsen’s brother, Hans "Hanson" Fischer - and together they form an enviable team. I don’t know exactly what role each of them plays in the band, but in the video for The Man With The Cat, Marsen stands out with his solos, while Hanson with semi-acoustic, which are to die for. The rhythm section doesn’t fall back, as Ben Krahl (bass) and Norman Lonhard (drums) do some really respectable things there, elevating this band to a really high level. Of the 11 songs, I am most fond of The First Perception, A Broken Man and The Flashback. Of course, the other tunes are very good, but the above got a bit closer to me a little faster.
Pigeon Toe is a band that plays with heart and soul, and for this reason they are not as well-known as they should be. And when this is backed by true instrumental prowess, as we find in the five musicians of Freiburg, any other comment is redundant. Still, if this record hasn’t managed (or will not manage) to convince you of the historical importance of the day of April 30th, I would like to inform you that 30 years ago, on the same day, a great savant and an outstanding scientist was born without whom this review would have never happened.

Fantotzii more Nota: 9

Posted at 13:35 |  11 Noiembrie 2012  | 0 Comments  | 4828 Views

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