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3 Inches of Blood: they're bloody serious!

3 Inches of Blood: they're bloody serious!
BANDS : 3 Inches of Blood


Metalfan: Hello! Please introduce in a few words 3 Inches of Blood.
Cam Pipes: My name is Cam Pipes and I sing for 3 Inches of Blood.

Metalfan: Why 3 Inches of Blood? What represents your name?
Cam Pipes: It's a long story.  The name was thought of before I joined the band, so I'm not sure what the real story behind the name.

Metalfan: How would you best describe your music? Closer to heavy metal, closer to power metal?
Cam Pipes: Our music has been described many ways.  I prefer to call it heavy metal.

Metalfan: Few years ago some said that you are joke metal band, but to be honest you didn't sound like a joke metal band to me...
Cam Pipes: Many people thought we were a joke band, but we've never been more serious about our music. Nowadays people see how serious we really are.

Metalfan: 3 full-lenght albums in 8 years, are they many, are they few?
Cam Pipes: Good things take time. We tour a lot so there isn't much time to write songs.

Metalfan: I've noticed that you haven't realesed any live material so far, CD or DVD, do you have some songs recorded?
Cam Pipes: We have some footage of us hanging out backstage and offstage, but no professionally recorded live music.



Metalfan: Let's talk a little about your latest album, "Fire Up the Blades", how are sales going so far?
Cam Pipes: I don't pay attention to album sales figures.

Metalfan: If you have to change something at "Fire Up the Blades", what would you change?
Cam Pipes: I wouldn't have recorded my vocals twice.

Metalfan: How did the work went with Joey Jordison?
Cam Pipes: It was a good experience. Lots of partying.

Metalfan: Please tell me who was in charge with the artwork?
Cam Pipes: The artist's name is Sam Turner, he's from Denver, USA. He does t-shirt artwork for us too.

Metalfan: Bands like Iron Maiden, Megadeth and so on have a mascot, do you intend to make up with a mascot?
Cam Pipes: No mascot for us.



Metalfan: I know that now you don't have a drummer at the moment, did you think about the ideea to get Joey Jordison in the band as a full time member?
Cam Pipes: We never thought about asking Joey. He's too busy with other projects.

Metalfan: Which is your favorite metal band from Canada, except 3 Inches of Blood :)?  And also which band do you think is the most important metal band of all times?
Cam Pipes: Rush and Voivod are my favorite Canadian bands. Judas Priest and Iron Maiden are my favorite metal bands of all time.

Metalfan: Do you know anything about Romania, about count Dracula, Vlad Tepes or something else? Did you have listened any metal band from here?
Cam Pipes: Everybody knows the story of Dracula, but that's all I know of Romania. The only Romanian band I know of is Negura Bunget.

Metalfan: Thank you for your time, hope to see 3 Inches of Blood soon here in Romania. In the end would you like to send few words for our readers?
Cam Pipes: Thanks for your time. Hopefully we will be playing shows in Romania this summer 2008.

Autor: H.
Vezi galeriile trupelor: 3 Inches of Blood

   May 12, 2008  | 3 Comments  | 8676 Views « BACK

Comment on: 3 Inches of Blood: they're bloody serious!

  • deci in prima poza, al 3lea de la stinga la dreapta este JohnBlack! gotcha!

    1. Posted by klawz | 15 Mai 2008 12:22

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