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Cynic: legend-based anatomy

Cynic: legend-based anatomy
BANDS : Cynic

Founded in 1987, Cynic were Focused to make history right from the start, although it took 6 long years to get them there. Their 1993 debut album changed the face of heavy metal as we knew it, but it wasn't until 15 years later that Cynic released a sequel to their timeless classic - namely 2008's Traced in Air. The fans and media concluded that it was worth the wait. An European tour started on the day of the release, two American tours followed. And this time, they don't mean to stop: the band released two EPs ever since, toured the world again and is now working on the new full length. Guitarist Paul Masdival was kind enough to take the time and answer our questions, even though the band is right in the middle of an European Tour, promoting their latest release, Carbon-based Anatomy.

Metalfan: Hello Paul, and welcome to Because this is your first interview for our website, I’d like to ask you about the early days of your musical career. What were the reasons that determined you to play guitar and what kind of music influenced you in the beginning?
Paul Masdival:
I was interested in music as long as I can remember. Eventually my older brother and one of his friends started playing guitar and I knew then I wanted to play myself. I was and still influenced by classic rock, classical and folk music. Those were my first three inspirations.
Metalfan: Tell us a bit about founding Cynic:  when did the band start and whose idea was it? Did you play in other bands before Cynic?
Paul Masdival:
The band started with Sean Reinert and I meeting in elementary school. We had a few different band names (Seaweed, Crypha), and finally adopted the name Cynic by late high school into college.
Metalfan: What can you tell us about the musicians that played with Cynic prior to the release of the Focus album?
Paul Masdival:
You can read all about em' on (the Cynic historical site).
Metalfan: By 1991 the band had already released four demo tapes. Do you remember how were those demos received by metal fans in those days? Why did you have to take another two years before releasing the debut album?
Paul Masdival:
The demos were a slow crawl. Eventually press took notice by our last two demos and word began spreading. We made an album with death and toured which was about a year commitment, and then a hurricane (Andrew) hit the shores of Miami Fl where we lived and wiped out the city. It took about a year to get our lives back in order again. It was a blessing.
Metalfan: During 1991 you and Sean were also playing with Death. How was your relationship with Chuck Schuldiner? Why did you not continue playing with his band? Was this decision in any way influenced by the financial problems of the band and your gear being confiscated in the UK?
Paul Masdival:
Chuck was like an older brother and a friend to me. I decided to not continue playing because I had my own band to pursue. The gear confiscation had no relation.

Metalfan: What impressed you most about Chuck? Have you have stayed in touch with him after leaving his band?
Paul Masdival:
His determination to keep making music regardless of how tormented he was by the industry that supported it. Only occasional contact post Human.
Metalfan: Why did Tony Choy leave Cynic before the recording of Focus? Was Chris Kringel the first replacement for Tony before you contacted Sean Malone? How did you meet Sean?
Paul Masdival:
We let Tony go because of artistic differences. Sean Malone came first. We met him through the studio morrisound where we recorded Focus. Steve DiGorgio introduced us.
Metalfan: Focus is a classic album for many metal sub-genres. Do you remember recording it? What was the atmosphere like in the studio? What are your memories of the tour that followed, what countries did you visit and what crowd was the craziest?
Paul Masdival:
Yes I remember recording it. The atmosphere was a combination of celebration and tension. We were under pressure and experiencing lots of change during that album so it created an interesting studio environment to say the least. We toured the US and Europe. Most of the crowds were not familiar with our music. We had a few cities where there were some fans but it was an uphill battle for the most part.
Metalfan: What exactly is Portal?  A band, an album? Has it ever been released by a label? Will it ever be?
Paul Masdival: Portal was our side project after Focus. It was basically Cynic post Focus, under a different name. The demos will be released early next year by season of mist.
Metalfan: Focus was followed by a long break; Cynic disappeared of the map. What happened exactly, why didn’t you continue?
Paul Masdival:
Multiple reasons. The main one being a need to get out of the music business and back to just making music without pressures of the industry.

Metalfan: What projects were you involved in all this time?
Paul Masdival:
I went back to school and also worked in TV/film scoring.
Metalfan: The 2006 reunion of the band was celebrated by a world tour which brought you to Romania for the first time. What are your memories from that show?
Paul Masdival:
I remember playing on a landing strip for an airport. It was quite interesting to say the least. I remember also the passionate fans. 
Metalfan: Although Traced in Air is a little different from Focus, it was very well received by your fans. Did you expect so many positive reactions?
Paul Masdival:
I try not to have expectations. It was fantastic to see how much people enjoyed the record.
Metalfan: Why is Jason Gobel no longer part of Cynic?
Paul Masdival:
Jason has not been with us since Focus. He has a family and a busy job not involving music. He leads a different life.
Metalfan: I would really like to see Sean Malone playing on stage with Cynic. Why does he never tour?
Paul Masdival:
He's a full time college professor.

Metalfan: Carbon-Based Anatomy is your latest EP. Although only 23 minutes long, it introduces us to a world full of mystery. Why did you choose this approach and removed the death metal elements that have been an important part of your sound up till now? Have you thought about the reaction of your fans?
Paul Masdival:
We make the records we want to make. CBA reflects a certain time in our lives, like all our albums. We just stay open to the creative process and let it lead us where it needs to go, without thinking of style or genre choices. The reactions have been extremely positive.
Metalfan: Why have Tymon Kruidenier and Robin Zielhorst leave Cynic? Was it difficult to find Max Phelps and Brandon Giffin as replacements for this world tour?
Paul Masdival:
We let Tymon and Robin and go because of numerous reasons. The obvious one being we didn't want to maintain a band that was half based in Europe. It wasn't difficult finding them as replacements. It flowed quite effortlessly.

Metalfan: What are your plans for 2012? Rumor says that you will start working at a new studio album. It is true? And if so, will it follow the same direction as Carbon-Based Anatomy?
Paul Masdival:
Yes, we plan on working on a new album. Not sure what direction it will be, since we aren't that far along yet.
Metalfan: Any chance we will hear some Æon Spoke and Gordian Knot music sometime in the future?
Paul Masdival:
It's possible, not sure when though.
Metalfan: Good luck with the band  and thank you very much for your time.
Paul Masdival:
You're welcome. Thank you.

(Sent from a Transdimensional Wormhole)
Autor: Klawz, Fantotzii
Vezi galeriile trupelor: Cynic

   December 13, 2011  | 0 Comments  | 9708 Views « BACK

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