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Gama Bomb: there's a lot left in thrash metal

Gama Bomb: there's a lot left in thrash metal
BANDS : Gama Bomb


Metalfan: Hello! Most of our readers don't know to much about Gama Bomb. Please tell us more about your band...
Luke Graham: The current lineup is myself (Luke) on rhythm guitar, Joe on bass & backing vocals, Philly on Vocals, Domo on lead guitar and backing vocals and Paul on the drums. We started in 2002, myself, Joe and Philly had played in bands together before, so, united in our love for Nuclear Assault, we formed Gama Bomb. We did a couple of demos, went through a few lineup changes, played with a lot of cool bands like GBH and Poison Idea and released our first album, Survival of the Fastest, in 2005, it was then re-released by a great German thrash label, Witches Brew, with our second demo as bonus tracks. Around 2005/6 Paul joined on drums cause we kicked the last asshole out and Kevy, who plays lead on the first album, left and was replaced by Domo. Since then we've be gigging as much as we can, playing with the likes of Tankard, Sabbat, Onslaught, At War and Exodus and writing/recording/releasing the second album, Citizen Brain.

Metalfan: I know that you sing about zombies, monsters, war and humor, is there room for humor in thrash metal?
Luke Graham: Plenty of room! Above all, we're doing this because we enjoy it, and we've got a sense of humour, so that comes across in our lyrics. We're not some permanently miserable, frostbitten black metallers who wear their sisters makeup.

Metalfan: On the 9th of June you will release your second full-length album, "Citizen Brain". Why "Citizen Brain", how would you describe this record to the metalfans?
Luke Graham: It's 15 tracks, 38 minutes of absolute thrash, no clean intros, no ballads, just thrash. If you like thrash like Anthrax, Agent Steel, Dark Angel then check it out!

Metalfan: How is"Citizen Brain" compared to your previous album Survival of the Fastest?
Luke Graham: I think firstly it's a lot faster. The lineup is also different from the first album and I think the band is a lot tighter on Citizen Brain. The production is also a lot better, this time we went to England to record with Scott Atkins, who used to play with Stampin' Ground, and he really pushed us to get the absolute best takes possible.



Metalfan: This is your first album released by Earache Records, how did you get signed by Earache?
Luke Graham: We got out of Ireland and accepted gigs anywhere that would have us, this usually meant playing England and Scotland, there's a great thrash scene in England at the moment, so we managed to build up a bit of a following. Then we recorded some demos for Citizen Brain, sent it around and Earache offered us a deal.

Metalfan: The song "Zombie Brew" off your latest album "Citizen Brain" will figure on a compilation released by Earache, "Thrashing Like a Maniac". Who chose that song, was it you or Earache Records? Also, what do you think about compilations?
Luke Graham: They chose the song, it was Digby's favourite at time and it's one of our favourites to play live. The Thrashing Like a Maniac compilation is great, there's a lot of cool new thrash bands on it. I'm all in favour of compilations as long as they've got some purpose, like showcasing the resurgent thrash scene. Another good one is Bangers and Thrash which was released by resilience Records, it features all the best bands in the uk thrash scene, like Mutant and Deceptor

Metalfan: Who was in charge with the artwork of the album? Are you satisfied with the result?
Luke Graham: The artwork was done by Jeff Zornow, he's worked on the Day of the Dead comic book. We're really pleased with the end result, its just the sort of comic book feel we were looking for. He has also done a couple of t-shirts for us.



Metalfan: How did the work in the studio with Scott Atkins go?
Luke Graham: It was hard work! Long 12 hour days of constant riffing, Scott really pushed for the best out of us, but then once we got our parts done it was a total beer fest. We watched Rats Night of Terror 10 times during the recording of the album.

Metalfan: I know that you have also released two demos "The Survival Option" in 2003 and "The Fatal Mission" in 2004, what can you tell us about them?
Luke GrahamThe Survival Option was our first demo, pretty shitty quality so we moved to a different studio for The Fatal Mission, which actually has the first two songs we ever wrote. The Fatal Mission was originally meant to be on 7" vinyl but the usual problem of money meant we put it out on cd. There were only 100 copies of both demos made.

Metalfan: Are there any other demos or other recordings? If so, would you make an official release?
Luke Graham: We have some live recordings but nothing we've been happy enough with to release properly. We have also released a split 7" with Black Sister from Hungary, with a Scottish singer. It had a cover of Maniac by the Dangerfields, a Northern Irish punk band, and two original songs on our side, an earlier version of Zombi Brew and Frightmare on Hell Street. It was released by Problem? Records which is run by the singer of Black Sister. I think its sold out now but there might be a few distros with some copies left.

Metalfan: I noticed that a lot of new bands bring back to life the spirit of Bay Area thrash. Bands like Gama Bomb, Bonded By Blood, Evile and also Municipal Waste but with a crossover touch for example. What do you think about this?
Luke Graham: It's great, I love that I can go play a gig with a load of other thrash bands, when we started no one wanted to know, the only people who liked what we were doing were the punks and so most of our gigs for the first couple of years were played with punk bands. Then people started forming thrash bands again and now there are loads of brilliant new bands about.

Metalfan: Isn't it a bit weird for you to be from North Ireland and to play Bay Area Thrash?
Luke Graham: No, we like the music, that’s why we play it. Music shouldn't be confined to certain countries or areas. One of the best things about our last tour of Europe was meeting so many thrashers from different places, even if we could hardly talk with them because of language, we could still enjoy the thrash and beer.



Metalfan: I know that you will go on tour to support "Citizen Brain", do you plan to play a couple of shows in Romania ?
Luke Graham: We are touring Europe in September and October but unfortunately won't be making it to Romania. Hopefully next time though! One of things I enjoy most about touring is getting to visit new countries and meet new people who are up for a thrashing.

Metalfan: You have played with bands like Onslaught, Exodus, or Sabbat from UK for example which is your favorite band from these three? And which are you favorite thrash metal albums of all time?
Luke Graham: That’s a tough choice, I'd have to go with Exodus as Bonded by Blood is totally killer. Power from Hell and History of a Time to Come are also among my favourite albums. Peace Sells by Megadeth and Game Over by Nuclear Assault are the first two thrash albums I ever heard so they're definitely in my top 10.

Metalfan: Do you think that Without thrash and hardcore there would be extreme metal as we know it today?
Luke Graham: I definitely don't think there would be death metal without thrash. The thing is people think that’s it now, metal has moved on, there's no need for thrash any more, which is total shit, just listen to the quality of some of the new thrash bands that are about and it's clear there's a lot left in thrash.

Metalfan:  They are goin to make a movie about Lemmy of Motorhead, what do you think about this? Would you like to be made a movie about you when you would be at Lemmys age?
Luke Graham: As long as its not like his book, where he tells you how disappointed he was with every Motorhead album and then at the end tells you they're all class and to go buy them, the movie might be ok. Motohead are gods, and their last few albums have been amazing, so there should be good music in the movie at least. I don't think there's any chance of a movie being made about me haha.

Metalfan: Which was the most retarded thing that you have done in your entire life at a concert or on stage?
Luke Graham: I fell off stage once after mixing whiskey with my beer, that was pretty bad, aimed my guitar at a member of the crowd though so it didn't get damaged. I'm sure there's plenty of other stuff but most of it I can't remember.

Metalfan: Thank you for your time! In the end would you like to send few words to our readers?
Luke Graham: Cheers for the interview, Hopefully we'll get to Romania sometime soon!


Autor: H.
Vezi galeriile trupelor: Gama Bomb

   September 02, 2008  | 2 Comments  | 10632 Views « BACK

Comment on: Gama Bomb: there's a lot left in thrash metal

  • Pt cine plm sa vina in Romania ? Pt necoptzi alde prowler si manele si sipu ? LOL

    1. Posted by Yuyu | 18 Septembrie 2008 15:41
  • Parerea mea cat se poate de sincera este ca ar trebui sa ii bei la oua pe manele si sipu. Prowler nush daca are oua, dr cu siguranta ai putea sa il sugi de phoenics!

    2. Posted by Cocosila | 19 Septembrie 2008 18:40

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