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I: 10 questions with TC King

I: 10 questions with TC King

I is one of the newest Nuclear Blast's overnight sensations: an all star band fronted by Immortal's Abbath, whose members traded their black metal corpse paint and spikes and warhammers for some totally un-true but definitely cool Motorhead riffs. TC King took some time off his busy schedule to answer our 10 questions. "Send 10 questions" , he said. 10 questions we did send, 10 questions he did answer.


TC King, Ice Dale,  Abbath, Armagedda


Metalfan: Why the name "I" for this supergroup, what does it mean to you?
King: I can represent several things; ego, individalism, unity and many diverse powers transformed into one. It can also be an abbreviation for Immortal in that respect Abbath being the riffmeister in both bands.

Metalfan: Whose idea was it to form this band and how did you manage to sign a deal with Nuclear Blast?
King: Immortal was already on Nuclear Blast and they showed interest in I from an early stage. It was a natural choice.

Metalfan: Taking into consideration the musical background of every member, we have expected maybe a more extreme sound, but you came with a fantastic and original combination of black metal and infectious riffs in vein of Motorhead. Why did you choose such a style, was it something natural or a deliberate choice?
King: It would be no point procreating Immortal, Gorgoroth or Enslaved in I. It had to be something different from what all of us had done before. Abbath has captured the essence of classic metal in my opinion on this record. It’s something all of us have put a lot of pride and honor in creating. I don’t see the Motorhead influences clear myself. The record is more in the vein of Bathory to me.

Metalfan: How did things happen in terms of songwriting, how much was every band member involved in the creative process of the songs?
King: Abbath is the riffmeister in the band. Ice Dale has contributed with amazing solos. Me and Gedda have put our personalities into the creation of the drums and bass. Demonaz is writing the lyrics.

Metalfan: What are the two worlds this album is between? What is the title referring to? (lyrically, musically, geographically, geopolitically...)
King: It’s never a good thing to overanalyze an albumtitle. It’s the twilight between the past, present and the future both musically and lyrically. I dont believe it’s much politics in the title though.



Metalfan: I's first live show took place on August 26 at Hole in the Sky Festival. How was the feedback from the public? How did you feel on stage?
King: The crowd seemed to catch it even though most of them hadn’t heard any of our music upfront. It was one of the hottest stages I’ve performed on. I don’t remember how I felt.

Metalfan: Do you have any plans for touring after the release of the "Between Two Worlds" album?
King: We’ll see what the future brings.

Metalfan: King, you are involved in several projects right now, I, Audrey Horne, Sahg, bands that are quite far from the traditional black metal sound. Do you think it's time for black metal to evolve?

King: I don’t care!! I’m only occupied with my music and what I perform myself. Gorgoroth is the only band I’m participating in where I present my beliefs and views on religion, politics and so on. The other bands are only about music. I don’t care if people have trouble with me not playing satanic music. I am the one defining Satan; not them. I don’t see me as part of any metal scene anyways. Black metal can envolve to whatever. I’m concerned about my bands and that they present themself the best way possible. I is not a black metal band. It’s a metal band. We have never labeled I as black metal ourselves, and black metal has not evolved into I. Black metal is for me a pure artform where the word of Satan is spread.

TC King

Metalfan: Demonaz (ex- Immortal) composed the lyrics for "Between Two Worlds" in a Swede's style. What does he mean by that and why did you choose, as a band, such manner of expression through the lyrics? Is there a deep message well-hidden into the lyrics?
King: He has written some parts of the lyrics in the vein of Bathory. Its his way to honor the band and Quorthon.
Demonaz has written the lyrics and therefore I cannot go into a deeper interpretation of his lyrics. It’s his words and not mine.

Metalfan: There are rumors saying that Immortal will come back stronger than ever. If this scenario is real, then will I become a side project of Abbath or it will continue to be a real band?
King: Immortal will return next year. It’s something we all look forward to. I’m not a wizard and I can’t predict the future, but this is not the last you have seen of I.

Autor: Klawz, Dragos P.
Vezi galeriile trupelor: I

   October 27, 2006  | 4 Comments  | 10935 Views « BACK

Comment on: I: 10 questions with TC King

  • I, ti-ai facut din nou trupa?!

    1. Posted by 13 | 24 Noiembrie 2006 20:34
  • taceti draq k I is pizdoshi......tzatzelor(13,Coroner)

    2. Posted by BlackRose | 02 Decembrie 2006 21:44
  • un gen de muzik foarte pretentios de putini ascultatar trebui sa se matuzizeze au potential dar canta pt veterani pushtii chiar nu au ce vedea la ei

    3. Posted by MESAGER_OF_DEATH | 20 Ianuarie 2007 12:13
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