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Interview - Cadaveria

Interview - Cadaveria


Hello and welcome into the pages of As we all know, for an important period of time you were the lead vocalist of the atmospheric black metal band called Opera IX. Please provide us with a short history of Opera IX, including a few words about the albums on which you contributed.

Just few words to say I was in Opera IX from 1992 to the beginning of 2001. With them I recorded Demo 92, 7" The Triumph of Death, and the 3 full length album on CD The Call of the Wood, Sacro Culto and The Black Opera.

Now, in order to finish with the past, could you tell our readers what determined you to choose a solo career and perform an almost totally different kind of music, compared with Opera IX?

In the last period there where many incomprehension among the band members. Me and Flegias discovered we had a different attitude on some matters compared with the rest of the band. Instead of wasting our time in useless discussions we preferred to leave the group and to use our energies to give life to a new musical projects, in order to find the right freedom to create the music we like.

When I first played The Shadow's Madame I was really surprised by the music, a real collection of riffs and aggressive vocals. Later, when Far Away From Conformity was released I realized that you are determined to pursue on this direction, playing music without compromises, very direct and very catchy. What are the strongest points of your releases, why must we buy them?

I can say the main points of interest of CADAVERIA music are that we produce a fresh sound, aggressive at the same time, and that we mix many different genres without caring to belong to any particular trend. The 2nd album is the result of the growing of CADAVERIA as a band. In the last year we reached a strong personality that is reflected in this album. The new sound is very innovative, eclectic and brave. The growing confidence and union inside the line-up is responsible of this new style, where the songs' structure is very strange and uncommon. Far Away From Conformity is a progressive album created by the mind of people who are always in movement, people who don't want to follow any law, but who like to provoke and shock. It is the expression of our artistic madness.

Please tell me about the concept of your albums (insisting on Far Away From Conformity) - who writes the music and lyrics, who designed the booklets, what are your sources of inspiration?

The only concept behind this album is clearly expressed in the title. The title and the artwork want to stress the concept of "uncommon", of "not normal", of "anti-conformity". The songs was composed with the intent of making something different from the already known metal genres, with the will to surprise the listener through strange riffs, unusual drum rhythms and a shocking voice. The lyrics, written by me, are directly connected with my twisted personality, so, in a certain sense, they are anti-normal too.


Our metalheads wonder who are Frank Booth, Killer Bob and Marcelo Santos. Please tell us a few words about your band mates.

Frank is the guitarplayer, an experienced musician grown up with Iron Maiden and Dream Theatre who has always played in cover bands and who has now, in CADAVERIA, the opportunity to express his talent creating unreleased songs. Killer Bob is better known to metal public as John, the bassist of Necrodeath and DyNAbyte, while under the name of Marcelo Santos there is Flegias, ex Opera IX drummer and actual singer of Necrodeath.

Where does Cadaveria stand in the actual metal scene?

We are an underground band and we are proud if this. We know we cannot live with music but, at the same time, we know we would deserve more success. Unfortunately this doesn't depend from us only. It is the promotion and distribution that work for band's popularity. We can just play good music in a serious way and this is what we will continue to do till we will enjoy it.

Is your band a very active one on stage? Do you like live performance? What was your best concert ever?

We like playing live a lot but it is not simple to organize good concerts. We are quite active in Italy and we would like to tour Europe as soon as possible. Every CADAVERIA gig is a great gig: good music, professional performances and adrenaline assure you a great show.

How do you feel about the free mp3 sharing? Does it have a positive role or is just a mockery towards copyrights and artists' work?

I have always been against piratery and any sound reproduction method, but in this last period I'm changing my mind. Considering that the music market is in crisis and that the only people who still gain money from music are the records labels (I mean in the underground, great artist excluded) and finally that the CDs are usually not promoted in the right way I'm totally for free download. I mean: I would like to produce next CADAVERIA album and give it to people for free. I'm interested in doing music and I want my music be listened by millions of people; this is the only way to let it happen.

Are there any recent metal or non-metal albums that you really enjoyed listening to lately?

Last Rammstein album and a remix collection of Depeche Mode.

Now please tell us about your future plans. Where do you see Cadaveria in about 5 years from now?

I have been busy with the making of DyNAbyte (my side project) video clip. When we will finish it I will start again to dedicate myself to CADAVERIA. We will play live in March and then we begin to compose for the 3 rd album. I cannot see myself and my band so far in the future. I'm used to live day by day.

Thank you very much for your time and kindness in making this interview, the best of luck and inspiration in 2005. In the end a few words for our readers.

Thank you for this space dedicated to CADAVERIA... A great hail to all readers. Keep CADAVERIA's flame alive on

Autor: Sake
Vezi galeriile trupelor: CADAVERIA

   January 29, 2005  | 3 Comments  | 8997 Views « BACK

Comment on: Interview - Cadaveria

  • cadaveria este una dintre cele mai experimentate soliste metal-goth la ora langa amy lee,tarja sau tipa de la lacuna coil,cadaveria este cea mai buna

    1. Posted by sparkling angel | 23 Mai 2007 17:34
  • nu incape comparatia cu tarja sau amy lee... (tarja era o britney spears mai metalica, si amy lee o avril lavigne cu ami multa voce;)
    cadaveria e ...cadaveria;) si e buna asa cm e sh in ceea c face

    2. Posted by Malvinia | 21 Septembrie 2007 21:37

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