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Interviu with Gary Holt (Exodus)

Interviu with Gary Holt (Exodus)
BANDS : Exodus


Metalfan: Hello Gary and welcome to Metalfan!
Gary Holt: Thanks!

Metalfan: Since 2001 and 'till now, Exodus seems to be a very busy group, what is the key to your inspiration?
Gary Holt: We just want to keep going, we don’t want to ever let what we are working on slip away. And we love what we are doing, so that makes it easier.

Metalfan: I know that last year you have realeased a new full-lenght album, "The Atrocity Exhibition... Exhibit A", could you describe each song of the album for our readers or you can tell us more things about it?
Gary Holt: That’s an almost impossible thing to do. I would say it is an epic album, brutal, massive and crushing.

Metalfan: This album was also produce by Andy Sneap, how is he as a man, as a metalfan, as a producer?
Gary Holt: He is a very close friend of mine and the band, so we have a great time in the studio, a lot of laughs. But we both want the same thing when we are doing an album, he understands Exodus.

Metalfan: This album also marks the return of Tom Hunting in the band, what made him return...?
Gary Holt: He just needed some time away from the band to get his health issues taken care of, and once he had the time to do that he was ready to get behind his drum kit again.

Metalfan: From the bands that form in the past the elite of the Bay Area thrash along Exodus, which is your favorite this days? Why?
Gary Holt: Other than Exodus? Hahaha! I would say the new Testament is really my favorite, followed by the Death Angel record.


Lee Altus si Gary Holt


Metalfan: A lot of bands are realeasing their demo recordings these days as compilations. There is a chance that Exodus to realease all the demos as a box-set or a double CD?
Gary Holt: No chance!

Metalfan: Lets return to "The Atrocity Exhibition...", this year you are gonna realease "The Atrocity Exhibition... Exhibit B", in which way this album is different than "...Exhibit A"?
Gary Holt: Well, since it’s not finished I would have a hard time describing it to you. But the songs that are finished are insane. And the new ones only seem to get heavier.

Metalfan: "The Atrocity Exhibition..." is the first album of this kind in Exodus history, and I think in the thrash metal history, from two parts... What can you tell us about this?
Gary Holt: We simply had too many songs to fit on one disc. We thought about a two disc set, but that didn’t work out, so we decided to do a two part disc.

Metalfan: Isn't it a little wierd for a thrash metal band to realease albums of this kind, with a, let's say, conceptual direction?
Gary Holt: They aren’t really concept albums anyway. They will share some themes and some musical links, but they stand separate and independent.

Metalfan: Would you like to have as guests on a future album some of the ex-Exodus members as Steve "Zetro" Souza, Rick Hunolt, Kirk Hammet or Paul Bostaph?
Gary Holt: You never know, maybe some anniversary thing would be cool to have everyone together. But Kirk? He’s a bit busy!

Metalfan: Please tell us who has designed "The Atrocity Exhibition..." artwork?
Gary Holt: A guy named Seth Siri Anton, who I believe is actually a member of Septic Death. Great artist, I love his work.



Metalfan: New thrash metal bands like Bonded by Blood or Municipal Waste are realeasing albums that sound good and are in an '80 direction, what do you feel about that? Do you know any of these bands?
Gary Holt: We took Warbringer out on tour with us this year, we have played with Bonded by Blood, so I know them. Haven’t met Municipal Waste. I personally love what they are doing and I am a big fan.

Metalfan: There was a rumour that Exodus were going to play a live show in Romania, is that true? If not, you intend to come in Romania in the near future?
Gary Holt: I certainly hope so! It has long been a wish of mine to play there, the land of Vlad Tepes!

Metalfan: I know that in the past you have struggled with drug addiction, what is your opinion these days about drugs?
Gary Holt: I have no use for them, I wasted a lot of my life on them and I am glad to be rid of them. I do love my beer though!

Metalfan: Now I have a quick quiz for you, what can you tell us about the following:

Venom: Heroes, legends, Gods to me!
Black Sabbath: The band that started it all!
Iron Maiden: Any group of legends, a huge influence on Exodus
Ted Nuget: One of the men who made me want to play guitar
Rob Halford: One of the two greatest singers in metal history(the other being Ronnie James Dio)
Angus Young: The greatest showman who ever picked up a guitar

Metalfan: Thank you for your time Gary, it was a honour. In the end would you like add something or to send few words to our readers?
Gary Holt: Thanks for the support!

Autor: H.
Vezi galeriile trupelor: Exodus

   June 21, 2008  | 4 Comments  | 25058 Views « BACK

Comment on: Interviu with Gary Holt (Exodus)

  • un dobitoc

    1. Posted by defender | 27 Iunie 2008 07:41
  • haha, cu cat sictir poate sa raspunda omul. Felicitari pentru interviu

    2. Posted by Vermin | 27 Iunie 2008 07:50
  • Chiar ca sictirit omu'
    Cam nasol cand intrebarile sunt mai lungi ca raspunsurile

    3. Posted by Mikix | 27 Iunie 2008 22:37

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