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Nige Rockett (Onslaught): ...I would immediately book Onslaught onto Maidens next full world tour

Nige Rockett (Onslaught): ...I would immediately book Onslaught onto Maidens next full world tour
BANDS : Onslaught

I’m going to start by saying that this is not your typical interview with questions about the tour ( I’m sure you’ll let everyone know the show dates ), future projects ( new albums ), recording process ( I seriously have no knowledge about the technical stuff so it’s either good or bad ) …. We’re trying a more personal, funny approach.
So here we go ….

RomanianThrashMetalClub: If you could eliminate one thing from your daily schedule, what would it be and why? 
Nige Rockett: Sleep, I feel it’s a total waste of time… we waste over one quarter of our lives sleeping..!! I could achieve so much more if I was awake 24 hours a day 

RomanianThrashMetalClub: If you wake up as (IRON MAIDENS MANAGER), what's the first thing you would do?
Nige Rockett: Ah but I would not be asleep… hahaha But if I was Mr Smallwood and woke up, I would immediately book Onslaught onto Maidens next full world tour

RomanianThrashMetalClub: What's the funniest pick up line used on you?
Nige Rockett: “Would you like to come to a house in the woods with me and my friend…!”    This happened at a Major European festival aftershow party, I politely declined the 2 young ladies as I did not want to wake up dead hahaha
RomanianThrashMetalClub: Share one truth and one lie about your personality and let the others guess which is what.

Nige Rockett: I will never show fear. / I am quite a lazy person

RomanianThrashMetalClub: Name one thing that drives you crazy.
Nige Rockett: That’s an easy one…Cowards..!!!

RomanianThrashMetalClub: What's the silliest thing you have heard people say about you?
Nige Rockett: I am always hearing bullshit stories about myself and it can really get annoying sometimes… probably the most dumb one I ever heard was when I was around 16 years old, some fucker decided to start a rumour that I was adopted as a child.. Why..?? I do not know, bitter people tell bitter lies.. thing is unfortunately for me look very much the same as my Mother, so it was a real stupid story to make up… hahahaha

RomanianThrashMetalClub: As a child, what did you wish to become when you grew up?
I would say a professional footballer, just like many kids in the UK want to be.. The problem is I discovered girls, music and alcohol, then formed a band called Onslaught… i think I made a good choice in the end
RomanianThrashMetalClub: If you could have an unlimited storage of one thing, what would it be?
Nige Rockett: Money of course..!!!
RomanianThrashMetalClub: If given a chance, who would you like to be for a day?
Nige Rockett: Manager of Chelsea Football Club, I think I could do a great job for a day..!

RomanianThrashMetalClub: Share a funny incident in your life.
Wow that’s tough, there have been so many insanely funny things happen over the years, some of them far too embarrassing to mention.. one of the funniest things has to be setting fire to our roadies ass in Holland after a show.. He had a challenge to drink a beer before the burning toilet paper that was stuck in his ass reached the top.. it was meant to be 6 sheets of paper but we tore it down to 2 without him knowing….  He got burned haha…….. he then ran to the sink turned the water on and sat in the sink to soothe his ass, but the sink fell off the wall because he was too heavy and flooded the place… it was comical..!!!!

RomanianThrashMetalClub: I do have one music related question ….this tour which includes Bucharest too is dedicated to The Force being played in its entirety, is it some sort of payback to The Sanity Days started by Grimmet, Grice, Stallard and Jordan going on these days? We keep seeing this beef but no one really says anything. Care to comment a bit on this topic?
Nige Rockett: No not at all, we are professional people with a professional attitude towards music.. The Force tour is all about giving the fans something they have asked for for several years now…  I don’t have the time or inclination to think about or respond to these people in the slightest way…

RomanianThrashMetalClub: Thank you for doing this short interview and really looking forward to see you lads on Saturday and have a few beers later!

Nige Rockett: Thank you, it was a real pleasure to do such an unusual interview and it was actually quite tough..
Oh yes for sure!
   October 12, 2012  | 0 Comments  | 5724 Views « BACK

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