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VOID OF SLEEP: visionary sludge-rock

VOID OF SLEEP: visionary sludge-rock
BANDS : Void of Sleep

Void of Sleep is a young Italian group whose music oscillates between stoner rock and progressive metal sonorities. The band released on January 21, 2013 first studio album - Tales Between Reality and Madness. I took advantage of this opportunity and I talked with three of the band members: Gale (guitar, vocals), Allo (drums) and Burdo (vocals, guitar). If you like bands like Black Sabbath, Down, Mastodon, Kyuss, Red Fang, I invite you to give proper attention to the Void of Sleep.

Metalfan: Hello and welcome to!

Gale: Hi man! It’s a pleasure for us!
Allo: Hello Metalfan!

Metalfan: As this is your first interview for a magazine from Romania, it would be nice if you could tell us more things about Void of Sleep...

Gale: Yes is our first Romanian interview! We are Void of Sleep from Italy, a band of visionary sludge-rock, we play together since 2010 and we have just released our debut album!
Metalfan: How did you got signed with Aural Music? It was an advantage that you are from Italy?
Gale: We have signed for Aural Music because they really trust in our band and we know very well their awesome works with their bands. I think the fact that both are Italians is an advantage.
Burdo: well, i don't think it was really an advantage to be italian, that because Aural works a lot with foreign bands, almost exclusively foreign bands and as Emiliano (the boss from Aural) said to us, he just love the album and believes in the potential of our music!

Metalfan: This year, on 21st of January you have released your debut album: Tales Between Reality and Madness. Could you explain the title of the album? What more specific did you tried to express through this title?
Burdo: Sure Man, it's simple, the title of the album means exactly what the album is…lyrically the album deals with issues related to the various aspects of the human mind…some of these issues are real feelings just like rage, frustration, hope or sorrow, some others deals with dreamy or real crazy stuff…well i can't say that this album is a real concept album but i can absolutely say that the 7 tracks are 7 tales…tales between reality and madness!


Metalfan: Could you tell us more about each song on the album? About the lyrics but also about the music...
Burdo: OK! well, Blood on my Hands is the opening track, we chose that particular song because of his immediacy, it starts with that killer southern riff…and the lyrics are really outrageous… talking about the feelings about killing someone you hate!
Wisdom of Doom has 2 faces instead: the aggressive part and the reflective…lyrically talking about the fate…you can live day by day, have a deranged existence or live an healthy life…but when your doomsday will come, you must face it!
Giant Stone Man to me is a really great song…i love the groove in it and the psychedelic part too…this song is totally crazy about the lyrics…i just described a nightmare that i had some days before…i went to sleep drunk and stoned…and that's the result! ahahah.
Lost in the Void we all think it's the more self-descriptive and complete track of the album…it sums very well all the musical aspects about Void of Sleep…the song talking about an imaginary and oneiric journey of a person inside the universe immensity.
Ghost of Me it's a curious song, because it have a progressive structure with that 7/8 tempo, but sounds really simple and melodic..i love the chorus in that song! Ghost... talking about depression…and the will to exit from this status…it is an autobiographic story about a period of my life.
Mirror soul Sickness is a "in your face" song! we have the intro and the outro in here; just like alfa and omega…and the rest of the song is really powerful with elements of stoner, metal and hardcore too! The lyrics talking about the famous serial killer Charles Manson
Sons of Nothing is the ultimate track of the record but it is not exactly an happy ending…this is the darkest and most lysergic song in the album and the lyrics are a metaphor to describe the bad feelings of a lot of people in the today's society.

Metalfan: What is the song-writing process in the band. Is it a group collective or is just down to one individual.
Gale: We are a real band, like an old rock-band, we jam, we rehersal, we all put ideas. Only with regard to the lyrics, there’s an individual work because all the lyrics are from Burdo.
Allo: Yes, in the songs of Void of Sleep there are all music experience of each of us;the songs came naturally and instinctively.

Metalfan: I have read some reviews and reactions on the internet over your debut album, and most of them have been extremely positive. What do you feel about this?
Gale: We are really pleased and impressed about that. We are really proud of our work on the album but we never thought it would go in this way.

Metalfan: Would you leave Aural Music for a bigger record label if you would have the chance? Why or why not?
Gale: Aural Music is a very good label, their work hard on promotion and always in touch with their artist. We’ll leave Aural Music only for “an offer you can refuse”, or if Aural Music don’t want us anymore! Ahaha!

Metalfan: What do you think about the world in general as we live. What would you change if you could? What would you like to change through your music?
Burdo: Ouh!…if i would answer to that this will become a poem…not an interview ahahha…i can say that i don't really like this world of today…it's a decadent era, too much corruption everywhere, the only god people believes is  money…and ignorance…i think ignorance make people act really wrong…and believe me: to change all this with our music we need to do an anthology with ten records inside ahahhaha! I think that there's no return by this time.

Metalfan: Are you a fan of football? Who do you think that will win Seria A this year? Also, what do you think about Italy group for World Cup 2014 from Brazil?
Gale: I like football, I follow the Serie A, I think that Juventus can re-win this year, but it will be tough.
Italy will win easily his qualifying group but the World Cup will be very difficult, reach the semi-final would be a great success!

Metalfan: You have played a couple of shows with such bands as Zoroaster, OM, Weedeater and other bands. Is a certain group with you would like to share the stage, maybe on a tour? Why?

Allo: The band that you said are all great band and very good people! Find dates for gigs is very difficult and now we are trying to play as much as possible.We are organizing a tour for promote our record. we love play concert and it is not important with which band; but if i have to choose, i would like to share the stage with Black Sabbath, Down, Tool, Porcupine Tree and Mastodon....Ahhhh!!

Metalfan: Speaking about live shows and tour, is there any chance to see Void of Sleep here in Romania?
Gale: In the near future no, but we really hope! We would like to play in every country in the planet!
Allo: Maybe!! Sooner or later we will play in Romania!!

Metalfan: Is there any chance to film your current tour for a DVD? Maybe something that have made Mastodon with the Crack the Skye album?
Gale: I think that would be great but too expensive, if you want a pro work you must tour with a couple of good cameras and a couple of shooters. At this moment it will be impossible.
Allo: It's a very good idea;  we will film our tour with my small bad camera.

Metalfan: What do you personally think about Romania and about Romanians?
Gale: I never been in Romania and I don’t know much of your country, I think that in every nation there is good people and bad people, personally I know few Romanians here in Italy and are good people and hard workers.

Metalfan: Thank you for your time and for your answers! In the end would you like to add something or to send few words to our readers?

Burdo: No man, many thanks to you for your support! It means a lot to us, we are an underground band and as we always said; support the scene, support the underground, buy the cd if you like a band, it doesn't matter if they are famous or not! Do it if you like their music! Most of the passionate and talented bands lies in the underground!
Allo: Thanks Metalfan for your interest and thanks guys for the support!!! See you in Romania!!!
Gale: Cheers!

Autor: H.
Vezi galeriile trupelor: Void of Sleep

   February 24, 2013  | 0 Comments  | 5424 Views « BACK

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