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Zoran Sokolovic 'Vandal' (INFEST): music is our connection

Zoran Sokolovic 'Vandal' (INFEST): music is our connection
BANDS : Infest

In October 2014, the Serbian band Infest played at the third edition of the Romanian Thrash Metal Fest. I've took chance of this oportunity and I've invited Zoran Sokolovic "Vandal", the lead vocalist and leader of the band for a small chat. We've talked about their latest album Cold Blood War, the show at Romanian Thrash Metal Fest, but also about other interesting topics.

Metalfan: Hi Vandal and welcome to Metalfan.RO! How did you first start playing music?
Zoran Sokolovic "Vandal": Hails! Uh, it was when I was really young, and like an every kid, I wanted to be on the stage, make the same stuff like Dave Murray and Kerry King. It took a long time to prove to my father that I really want it, but after some time, I really started doing it with full force.

Metalfan: Infest is one of the most know metal bands from Serbia here in Romania, but it would be great if you could tell us how did all start.

Zoran Sokolovic "Vandal": It is honors to hear that we are one of the most known bands from Serbia, because there are really great bands from coming from here. It started with our friends Coro, Traian & RTMC, who called us to play in Bucharest on Romanian Thrash Metal Fest, and if was fuckin amazing for us to appear on the stage with guys from Krow, Daemonicus, Casus and many great bands… After that, we became good friends, and I think that people enjoyed our music, so that’s why we are so much in Romania. I’m very happy because I meet such a great people, so dedicated to the stuff they are doing, and giving 100% of themselves to make it good as it is now.

Metalfan: At the beginning of the '90s Yugoslavia was decimated by war and step by step was divided. Do you feel any tensions and unrest in Serbia now in 2014?
Zoran Sokolovic "Vandal": For me personally, it’s not something I think about. I was just a kid when it all happen, and all the wars and stuff are in the past, so I think that normal people should get over it, because all of that was are just a political wars, and people will see nothing but death and suffering. It’s the same everywhere… Tensions still exist, but not everywhere…We played in Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia…we don’t give a fuck about the stuff from the past. We are friends, metal heads, and supporters of each other bands. Music is our connection, not a religion, what someone eat or drink….It doesn’t matter to me.

Metalfan: What do you think about the fact that in Serbia are three categories of minorities related but counted separately? I'm talking about Romanians, Moldovans and Vlachs? How do you perceive them?
Zoran Sokolovic "Vandal": As I said, I don’t care about it. If someone shows respect to me, I’ll do the same, and if you try to fuck me up, I will kick your ass…doesn’t matter what color of your skin is or what nationality you are.

Metalfan: This year on April 1st you have released your fourth full-length album - Cold Blood War. Could you tell us more regarding the meaning of this album?
Zoran Sokolovic "Vandal": This album is dedicated to fight against religious influence on people, infected masses which are blindly following the fake leaders, straight into war, for someone else’s pleasures… Everything became so cold, even a blood of all of us, so war is not a big deal these days… Just turn on TV, and every news are about it…

Metalfan: This new album has been released through Xtreem Music from Spain. How did you got signed with this label and how good do you think that is for Infest?
Zoran Sokolovic "Vandal": I wrote to Dave a few weeks before we started recording our new album, and he was asking me to send him a demo, even that he has heard our previous albums. He was suspicious, because you know that bands sometimes change directions of playing, and he wanted to be sure. After I send him three songs, he offered us a deal. He did a great job; you can find Infest everywhere, great distribution, lot of reviews, good man at the first place. Horns up for Dave.

Metalfan: Could you tell us few words regarding the lyrics of each song from Cold Blood War? It would be helpful for a better understanding of the concept behind the album...
Zoran Sokolovic "Vandal": Destroyer of their Throne is about epidemic influence of church on society. Keeping the people on chains, with no mental freedom…
Of Everlasting Hate is a hymn for metal maniacs who keep the flames of Infest alive. We salute you!
Kill their weakness is about washed out brains with religious shit.
Among the Fallen ones is about soldiers who lost their faith on the battle fields. When you stay alone, and nobody gives a fuck where are you and what a fuck is happening…
Demonic Wrath is about getting deep inside you, becoming a misanthrope, disappointed in human race, and no way of turning back…
Nuclear Warlust is a thrash metal salute to all of the oldschool maniacs!!!
Cold Blood War is about that we became so cold for everything, and the worst things became so normal…
Terror Lord is one of my favorite songs, and it’s about anti religious war and total blasphemy across this planet. Down with religious bastards!

Metalfan: What can you tell us about the video for the song
Of Everlasting Hate? Where it was recorded? Who was in charge with the production?
Zoran Sokolovic "Vandal": It was recorded in Belgrade on our concert for 10 years of existence. We wanted to introduce our crew to the world, and show them what metal maniacs we have here. The main man was Marko Ristic from Nocturne Magazine. I think that he did a great job, and we are sure that our next video is in his hands.

Metalfan: In the future would you like to release a more theatrical video? Which is your favorite video?
Zoran Sokolovic "Vandal": We will for sure record a new video, but not sure for which song yet. Also, Marko will do it with his team, and for sure it will be much more thinhs into it. My favorite… hard question, but Gorefest -Erase maybe.

Metalfan: This year you've played at the 3rd edition of Romanian Thrash Metal Fest. How was this experience? Which is the band that you've most enjoyed watching?
Zoran Sokolovic "Vandal": It was fuckin amazing! We were so proud to see how much respect people have for Infest in Romania, and also a pleasure to share the stage with such a great bands. Lot of great bands were there, but Desaster, Grave and Entombed were my favorite there.
Metalfan: At some point, during your show, Andrei Radulescu, the ex-vocalist of the Romanian bands Spinecrusher and Violesson joined you on stage. How did it happen? Would you like to record a song with him in the near future?
Zoran Sokolovic "Vandal": Andrei is fuckin amazing guy! I know him since we were playing for the first time in Romania. We are really good friends and I salute him for joining us on the stage! It was a great moment on the gig!

Metalfan: As we earlier talked about videos, I want to ask you also about a DVD. You have released four full-length albums, an EP and two demos, but you haven't released so far an DVD or at least an live album. What do you think of this kind of releases? Do you have in mind to release a DVD or a live album anytime soon?
Zoran Sokolovic "Vandal": I am not a fan of live albums. It’s stealing fans money. If you want to see some band live, come to the show. DVD…uh maybe one day, but we are not such a big band to make things like that.

Metalfan: What do you think about compilations? Would you like to choose 10 songs from 10 different bands for a mix-tape? What it would be the title of this mix-tape?

Zoran Sokolovic "Vandal": I am not a fan of such a stuff… Buy albums, support underground… Don’t download music from internet, don’t buy two beers, buy a CD…

Metalfan: Could you recommend to us five essential Serbian metal albums? Why should a metalfan listen to this albums?
Zoran Sokolovic "Vandal":

The StoneMagla ; One of the best black metal albums
Space EaterPassing Through the Fire to Molech – Thrash metal assault!!!
AlitorEternal Depression – Fresh blood of thrash metal
May Result Svetogrdje – amazing black metal album
DecrepancyParalyzed Will - Brutal as hell!!!

Metalfan: Thank you for your time and for your answers! In the end would you like to send few words to our readers and to your fans from Romania?
Zoran Sokolovic "Vandal": Thanks a lot my friend for your interview! Brothers and sisters, we salute you from Serbia!!! KEEP THE FLAMES OF DEATHRASHING BURN!!!! WE ARE THE DEATHRASH LEGION 666!!!
Autor: H.
Vezi galeriile trupelor: Infest

   January 05, 2015  | 0 Comments  | 7553 Views « BACK

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