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CRAVEN IDOL to play at Old Grave Fest 2017

CRAVEN IDOL to play at Old Grave Fest 2017
As you all know, Gehennah have been force to cancel all their upcoming shows, including their apperance at Old Grave Fest 2017. Replacing the self-styled kings of the sidewalk would be a big ask even with ample time in hand and, with the sudden cancellation taking place just a month before the fest, it is downright impossible. However, we do feel that we owe all of you to not simply leave the bill one band short, so we decided to simply find an act that deserves, in its own right, to be a part of the Old Grave, and that is Craven Idol.

Spawned in 2005 in London, Craven Idol is rooted in that timeless place where extreme metal defies categorisation. To label them as blackened thrash would be an easy way out, but there's no denying that heavy metal is somewhere at the back of it all or that riffs often border on death metal. The statement that you can read between the lines is that the crux of the evolution of extreme metal is somewhere in the 80’s, but nothing on the two full length releases feels dated. The debut, “Towards Eschaton”, came out in 2013, among excellent company on the Dark Descent label roster, displaying impressive skill in shifting patterns, from the hymn-like opener, “To Summon Mayrion”, to the manic thrashing closer, “Orgies”. Hard to top but not impossible: four years of toil produced the sophomore full-length, “The Shackles of Mammon”, released this year on the same Dark Descent label. A display of songwriting maturity, with the same razor-sharp edge, and attention to detail, from the perfectly suited production to the cover art, by Daniel Corcuera, a powerful take on Sascha Schneider’s 1896 wood carving “Mammon und sein Sklave”. 
© Daniel Corcuera, “The Shackles of Mammon” 
Please note that due to logistics reasons, we have had to shift the band schedules, so that Urn will play on Friday October 13th and Craven Idol on Saturday October 14th. The exact times will follow in a few days. Meanwhile, here’s the general schedule for the both days: 

Embrace of Thorns
Craven Idol
Angel of Damnation
The two-day passes, can be purchased for 130 lei/29 euro each from the Romanian Thrash Metal Club’s oficial website ,, Private Hell Bar (Soarelui 5, Bucharest), from Titus Constantinescu (phone +40722814991), Let’s Rock, or directly from the RTMC members. One-day tickets, at the price of 70 lei/16 euro, are available on the RTMC webstie and iabilet.
Source: Romanian Thrash Metal Club

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Posted by Gina S., at 20:31 |  September 19, 2017  | 0 Comments  | 3309 Views « BACK

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