stiri rock

Here’s the first track written by Lithuanian dark hardcore sludge group Erdve

Here’s the first track written by Lithuanian dark hardcore sludge group Erdve
Founded in 2016 in Vilnius by musicians active in local bands such as Nyksta or Sraigės Efektas, the Lithuanian group Erdve presents today the first single from the debut album entitled “Vaitojimas”, which will be out next year, on the 9th of February. This title track happens to be the first song written by this collective and therefore we can get the precise Erdve's musical intention. They describe their work as experimental hardcore sludge and the experiment may emerge from the fact that the band is in pursuit of a pretty heavy, dark and dimly black-metal infused atmosphere. The upcoming album was self-recorded and will be released as CD digipak and vinyl.
The band’s members refer to the title track as “the core, essence, and attitude of Erdve and sounds as it is – a pounding statement of primal violence, which is lyrically explained in the context of religious justification”. 

© Rokas Milius

Posted by Gina S., at 16:40 |  November 22, 2017  | 0 Comments  | 3567 Views « BACK

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