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Here’s the Ironborne demo, a blend of NWOBHM and classic metal

Here’s the Ironborne demo, a blend of NWOBHM and classic metal
From the epic Irish grounds, comes an epic musical piece bringing back the mightiness of the 80’s with flawless execution and uttermost expressiveness. Ironborne is a fresh appearance brought to life by the members of the heavy Celtic band Darkest Era, namely the wonderful vocalist Kum, Ade Mulgrew, who does amazing guitar themes, endearing solos and related bass lines, featuring Celtachor’s female drummer, Anaïs Chareyre, who emphasizes the band’s charisma in the classics’ manner.

It appears that the project Ironborne got established due to aim of this bunch of musicians to represent and render some of the most powerful influences left by manifold masters of rock and metal. Therefore, expect to hear fragments resembling the melody from the first Iron Maiden records or riffs connecting the listener’s mind with the Dio’s legacy. This Irish group released recently the first material in digital shape, under the name “Prophecies of Blood”, a four-track demo including a Thor cover, built overall with the most beautiful tendencies from the new wave of British heavy metal, the hard rock or the power metal.

Posted by Gina S., at 13:26 |  July 24, 2017  | 0 Comments  | 3309 Views « BACK

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