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Lake of Tears talked about their experience in Romania

Lake of Tears talked about their experience in Romania

Asked about what the previous visit in Romania meant for Lake of Tears, Johan recalls:

"It meant a lot, 'cause we've never been there and we haven't had any contact with Romania, didn't know what to expect and... the reception we've got was really warming, in every perspective. So, of course, it was a really positive experience. And, yeah, the fans were really great there!", he says.

The Swedes were impressed about the people they've met in Romania, as well as about such delicacys as the famous "pizdulice". On the other hand, the traffic didn't make them such a good impression. "The route from the airport was awful!!"

Last year's gig meant for the band "a trip from the most logical place to the most magical", but this year Lake of Tears are a little bit stressed, mostly because they will have to perform in the same show as Rage.

"We are quite nervous about it because it's such a big place and also because we have to follow up on Rage... And they are professional musicians. I've heard that they're a good band and that they are really great live... But we'll see how it goes. Of course, our expectations are high that this will be a really memorable evening for both us and audience."

Lake of Tears played on the same stage with Rage only once, in 1996 in a tour called Summer Metal Meetings throughout Germany and Switzerland.

Johan Oudhuis also sent the fans in Romania a message: "I hope we will create a nice atmosphere and spend a really special evening together with them again."

MORE ABOUT Lake of Tears, Rage
Posted by Nebelhexa, at 00:00 |  July 27, 2007  | 0 Comments  | 7556 Views « BACK

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