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Leaver & blues nomad Tim Holehouse present “Before The Fire” collaboration EP

Leaver & blues nomad Tim Holehouse present “Before The Fire” collaboration EP
Mytrip’s Angel Simitchiev and Daniel Donchov, who form the Bulgarian drone duo named Leaver recorded some music last year while touring with British blues nomad Tim Holehouse in London. The music is now found on cassette and presents a raw manifestation which took about three hours to achieve its completion. It’s a two-song material called “Before The Fire” and is released by Bulgarian publisher Amek Collective.

Before The Fire” is an acoustic chapter based on blues & folk rigors with bewildering atmosphere revealing a sort of wistfulness given the presence of the reverb effect and the tunes which convey a certain emptiness. Tim Holehouse’s vocals are somehow minimalistic in terms of technique, but the expressiveness is like a pretty solid matter which doesn’t follow rules, just like the singer. 
Holehouse went recently to Sofia in order to present the music created together with Leaver and you can watch a fragment from their performance below. 

Posted by Gina S., at 14:56 |  September 12, 2017  | 0 Comments  | 3802 Views « BACK

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