stiri rock

Listen to a new song by Septicflesh as a preview of the following album

Listen to a new song by Septicflesh as a preview of the following album
Greek band Septicflesh announces the release of the tenth studio album, entitled “Codex Omega”, which will be out on the 1st of September. As a preview of this new record – which keeps the flag flying when it comes to the manifestation of the symphonic death metal subgenre – Septicflesh releases today the opening track named “Dante’s Inferno”. Bellow you will find a video presenting the track, which was created by the same Seth Siro Anton, featuring the album’s artwork with a 360° button available.

Multi-instrumentalist and vocalist Sotiris Vayenas comments: “We are proud to present the first track from the upcoming album 'Codex Omega'. The song is appropriately entitled ‘Dante’s Inferno’, acting as a gateway to hell... As it was inscribed on the top of the Hellgate in the famous poem by Dante Alighieri, 'Through me you pass into the city of woe; Through me you pass into eternal pain; Through me among the people lost for aye'. This is just the first glimpse, the entrance to our new album. Stay tuned as more will gradually be revealed with the release date of our new album getting closer...
Seth & Chris, 2015

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Posted by Gina S., at 16:54 |  June 14, 2017  | 0 Comments  | 5445 Views « BACK

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