stiri rock

Listen to another new song by Dodecahedron

Listen to another new song by Dodecahedron
A while ago we offered you the premiere of the first new song taken from Dodecahedron’s upcoming release named “kwintessens”. Today is the time to hear more from this Dutch avant-garde black metal group, so here you can listen to the “Tetrahedron - The Culling of the Unwanted from the Earth” song, which brings even more tuneful darkness than the previous published track.
Here is also Dodecahedron’s statement about this new song: “We are pleased to present the second track of our sophomore album ‘kwintessens’, called ‘Tetrahedron - The Culling of the Unwanted from the Earth’. This is the first of the five key compositions on the album, each of which is related to a geometrical shape called Platonic solid. These shapes have served as compositional tools, while the story throughout the album deals with the process of growth, enlightenment, and megalomania, eventually leading to an obliterating tragedy. Get ready to be plunged into the abyss.
Posted by Gina S., at 17:07 |  January 24, 2017  | 0 Comments  | 4197 Views « BACK

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