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Listen to the latest release of the American black metal act Nightbringer

Listen to the latest release of the American black metal act Nightbringer
Nightbringer represents an important name in the black metal scene of the United States, therefore each creation involves more expectations when it comes to the fans of the delirious approaches and the esoteric themes. “Terra Damnata”, the fifth full length made by Nightbringer will be released on the 14th of April and today it has been made available for full streaming. The madness revealed through melody and rhythm along the latest album is the core of the phenomenon which may recommend the American band’s music as a particular deed.
With ‘Terra Damnata’ we have tread even deeper into the labyrinth of certain esoteric traditions and sacred mythos, closer to the heart of the living darkness that destroys all and liberates but few, ” stated Nightbringer. “The spirit of the album is one of an ever backwards turning and embracing of both terror and ecstasies, love and death, before the gods and daemons of the Age of Misrule.

Posted by Gina S., at 19:43 |  April 13, 2017  | 0 Comments  | 4028 Views « BACK

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