stiri rock

MORGANA LEFAY working on new material

MORGANA LEFAY working on new material
According to their Facebook page, swedish Thrash/Power metallers Morgana Lefay are working on new material:

"On a more serious note we can inform you that we are in fact working on some new material. We haven't got a deadline and we don't know when or even if we'll record anything. But I guess that the fact that we ARE working on new material makes it more likely that we will record something one day. We feel that we want to give this the time it needs instead of just recording something for the sake of recording. We haven't talked to any labels and we won't do so until we feel that we have material for an album that we are truly happy with."

Morgana Lefay re-united in 2012 after a 5 years hiatus and played at Sweden Rock and Bang Your Head Head 2013 festivals. In July 2013 Morgana Lefay  released their own beer - a “Kellerbier” / pale lager 5,5%.
Their live activity continues in 2014. Morgana Lefay's latest album, Aberrations of the Mind, was released in March 2007.


MORE ABOUT Morgana Lefay
Posted by Klawz, at 12:36 |  February 09, 2014  | 0 Comments  | 3459 Views « BACK

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