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New song by new band – here’s the premiere of the first track taken from the River Black’s debut

New song by new band – here’s the premiere of the first track taken from the River Black’s debut
Municipal Waste’s drummer David Witte and guitarist John Adubato have put to rest their hardcore/metal and explosive band Burnt by the Sun with the last record “Heart of Darkness” released in 2009, although the group was accounted as active until 2011. Nowadays, they brought to life a new project named River Black and today we must face a loud debut. The self-titled debut album will be released on the 7th of July via Season of Mist and now we have the first song taken from it. “Low” is a three-minute track which exposes River Black’s view upon hardcore, death metal, and presents a small portion of thrash in mild tempo. Witte and Adubato were joined by bassist Brett Bamberger known for his contribution in the tech death group Revocation and the progressive East Of The Wall, and by former collaborator of Burnt by the Sun, Mike Olender on vocals.

“Low” was inspired by the brutal absurdities happening in the Middle East and represents “an expression of horror at how religion can become twisted and manipulated by charlatans and demagogues, ” as vocalist Mike Olender stated. “It was inspired by a news report, I heard about a journalist, who spent some time with the now-deceased Isis leader ‘Johnny Jihad’. It revealed how this man used brutality with the purpose of inspiring others with similarly twisted minds. He used videos of his actions as recruiting tools. I was struck by the thought that there are people out there, who not only wouldn’t be repelled by these horrific videos, but actually excited and inspired by the images of this man gleefully sawing off the heads of the orange-clad victims kneeling before him. Faiths have always had these characters throughout history, but it is surreal to realize we are living in such dark historic times,” Olender added. 

Photo by Scott Kinkade 
Artwork by Ellie Gill

MORE ABOUT Municipal Waste
Posted by Gina S., at 01:09 |  April 12, 2017  | 0 Comments  | 4432 Views « BACK

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