stiri rock

“The Great Cold Steppe” by black metal project Windswept is now streaming on YouTube

 “The Great Cold Steppe” by black metal project Windswept is now streaming on YouTube
We told you a while ago that Ukrainian musician Roman Sayenko of Drudkh and Precambrian, former multi-instrumentalist and composer in Blood of Kingu and former guitarist in Old Silver Key brought to life a new black metal project named Windswept. With this new project Sayenko keeps up the most traditional, influential and atmospheric aspects of the black metal music. The debut album “The Great Cold Steppe” was created through the means of improvisation and the result bursts into that specific coldness linked with the musical genre in question, and sometimes reveals that olden melody which most of the black metal devotees, who love to match the music with those epic landscapes and the manifestation of nostalgia, want to hear.

As you can see, “The Great Cold Steppe” is now fully streaming on Season of Mist’s YouTube channel. The album will be released on the 31st of March as limited hand-numbered CD and vinyl editions.


MORE ABOUT Blood of Kingu
Posted by Gina S., at 16:42 |  March 30, 2017  | 0 Comments  | 3585 Views « BACK

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