stiri rock

The Great Old Ones shows a pictorial lyric video

The Great Old Ones shows a pictorial lyric video
Less than two weeks ago, French group The Great Old Ones has presented their third full-lengthEOD: A Tale of Dark Legacy” integrally, a captivating post-black metal piece inspired by the darkness unfolding in a particular work signed by H.P. Lovecraft. Today The Great Old Ones shows a lyric video with a pretty pictorial touch, which illustrates the third song on their new record, “When The Stars Align” and holds out the listener’s possibility to discover more connections with the world of literature.

Regarding this release, the musicians in the The Great Old Ones commented “We are proud to present our new lyric video for the song ‘When the Stars Align’. The clip is based on the amazing artwork of Jeff Grimal and represents a faithful celebration of Lovecraft’s entities, ancient and unspeakable, who will one day return to the place which they have left. Come and see us live on a journey to the other side of the mirror. Join us in veneration of the true masters of the universe.
Posted by Gina S., at 21:10 |  February 01, 2017  | 0 Comments  | 2960 Views « BACK

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