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The latest album of The Great Old Ones is an expressive Lovecraftian work and is now available for streaming

The latest album of The Great Old Ones is an expressive Lovecraftian work and is now available for streaming
While many artists still use the influence coming from the renowned horror fiction author Howard Phillips Lovecraft in the visual medium, a French group known as The Great Old Ones went forward and turned the darkest tales of the American writer into some pretty expressive pieces of post-black metal music. The third full length of The Great Old Ones, namely “EOD: A Tale of Dark Legacy” is now available for streaming and it can be described as a musical sequel to one of the richest Lovecraft’s novella in terms of constructing mythical and haunting creatures and spaces, which is “The Shadow over Innsmouth”, the single story published in a book during the author’s lifetime. This newest release of The Great Old Ones features a captivating melodic approach which goes hand in hand with the atmosphere in Innsmouth, a seacoast fishing town stated as the home for various uncanny events.

Regarding the views of the musicians who composed “EOD: A Tale of Dark Legacy”, they said: “The time has come to unleash those cyclopean entities. The time has come to celebrate the return of the Esoteric Order of Dagon. The time has come to finally present our new record in its entirety. We are proud to reveal ‘EOD - A Tale Of Dark Legacy’ in its full intense, gloom and doom laden emotionality. We can hardly wait to take the next step and bring our live show to you as well. We are still working hard to deliver a true Lovecraftian experience. Enjoy this dark journey!” 

The latest album of The Great Old Ones is released by Season of Mist and it will be launched in physical format on the 27th of January. In order to promote the new record, The Great Old Ones announced a tour which will begin in February. Here is the poster with the shows that are confirmed so far.
Posted by Gina S., at 15:27 |  January 20, 2017  | 0 Comments  | 3717 Views « BACK

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