stiri rock

Vulture Industries reveals the first song from the upcoming album and announces an European tour

Vulture Industries reveals the first song from the upcoming album and announces an European tour
The fourth full length by Norwegian avant-garde musicians of Vulture Industries will be out on the 22nd of September via Season of Mist. Today we have the first song premiere related to the “Stranger Times” album, therefore here is a lyric video created by Costin Chioreanu with illustrations depicting instances of the mundane madness through the exposure of a spectacular and fascinating dimension typical of the Vulture Industries burlesque universe.

Regarding the “As the World Burns” track, Vulture Industries’ frontman stated: “This song represent the rockier side of our new album and is one of my personal favourites. ‘As the World Burns’ deals with the interdependence of extreme world views that need each other to justify their existence – a theme that is quite relevant in our strange and hazy present. Once more we have teamed up with our friend and sixth band member, the brilliant Mr. Costin Chioreanu for a video. Of course, Costin also created the album artwork. These are the first fruits of our continued co-operation and I sincerely promise that there are a lot of more strange harvests to come your way. Take a bite!
© Jarle H. Moe

Vocalist Bjørnar E. Nilsen added: “Continuing along the path that we started to explore on ‘The Tower’, I proudly believe ‘Stranger Times’ to be standing out as a defining work for us. It bridges the gap between styles that we have touched upon in the past, while at the same time expands our scope and includes a more solid dose of rock in the mix. To me, it represents our most ‘solid’ album to date and is clearly the best produced one. I am curious to see how our fans will react, but being the kind and intelligent persons that they are, we actually expect a lot of love... And maybe a bit of trash just to remind us that we are mere mortals.

This summer, Vulture Industries will embark on a new European tour based on both Western and Eastern parts, thus our Bucharest and Cluj are included in the main schedule. “This will be our most ambitious tour to date and we are of course looking enthusiastically forward to visit all of our favourite places and people again,” said the members of Vulture Industries. “We are thrilled to have the opportunity to present material from our new album ‘Stranger Times’ in concert format. We will of course supplement this with favourites from our catalogue. We much appreciate everyone, who has requests for a song or two to stop by our Facebook and drop us a comment. Please feel cordially invited to let us know what you want to hear!”

You can check below the dates announced so far and decide about the place you want to discover their new music and captivating show.


MORE ABOUT Vulture Industries
Posted by Gina S., at 17:35 |  June 28, 2017  | 0 Comments  | 4951 Views « BACK

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