stiri rock

Watch an animated series of photographs illustrating a fragment from Costin Chioreanu’s nostalgic soundtrack

Watch an animated series of photographs illustrating a fragment from Costin Chioreanu’s nostalgic soundtrack
“The Day” is the opening track found on “There is a Place Called Home”, an EP spinning a soundtrack wrote by the Romanian graphic artist and musician Costin Chioreanu for his eponymous exhibition. Today, this song is released as a video shaped from a couple of photographs taken by the author about 10 years ago, while some of the images are newer and were taken one year ago. The images depict the house, the yard and the surroundings where Costin spent half of his childhood.

This instrumental song speaks of the nostalgia emerging from the day’s magic elements. This type of magic relates to anything, it is about each possible detail, however insignificant would appear to someone who did not live there. After ten years, everything gains a greater importance for the artist’s soul. Various animals appear in the animated pictures of this video and they were the creatures whom the author spent a great amount of his life and now they are all dead. This is how the cycle of life goes and the animated collage illustrating “The Day” rounds properly the music, which was written with kind of the same feelings. 
There is a Place Called Home” was released by Svart Records and is available as gatefold vinyl with large booklet on their shop, or the Twilight13Media website. The digital version is available as well on Bandcamp.
Posted by Gina S., at 16:35 |  September 21, 2017  | 0 Comments  | 3527 Views « BACK

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