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Watch new lyric video by Septicflesh

Watch new lyric video by Septicflesh
Greek band Septicflesh continues to reveal fragments from the upcoming full length, namely “Codex Omega”, which will be out on the 1st of September. Today we have the premiere of the song “3rd Testament”, the second track on the album, presented through the means of a lyrics video featuring artworks created by Seth Siro Anton. 

As the release date of our new album is getting closer, it is only appropriate to introduce you to the song that revolves around the main theme, ‘3rd Testament’,” the band stated. “So, behold the anti-bible. Listen to the sutras of the 3rd and final book in the divine drama series…” 
Photo by Stella Mouzi

MORE ABOUT SepticFlesh
Posted by Gina S., at 17:28 |  July 13, 2017  | 0 Comments  | 4141 Views « BACK

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