stiri rock

EXODUS au lansat DVD-ul "Double Live Dynamo!"

EXODUS au lansat DVD-ul

Cei de la Exodus au lansat, prin intermediul magazinului lor on-line - The Exodus Store - DVD-ul Double Live Dynamo!. continand filmari ale trupei vechi de mai bine de 10 zece ani:

Dynamo Club, Eindhoven, 27 octombrie 1995:

01. Exodus
02. Bonded by Blood
03. And Then There Were None
04. Hell's Breath
05. Deliver Us from Evil
06. Deathrow
07. Pleasures of the Flesh
08. Lesson in Violence
09. No Love
10. Piranha
11. Strike of the Beast
12. Metal Command
13. Impaler

Dynamo Open Air, Eindhoven, 17 mai 1997:

01. Bonded by Blood
02. Exodus
03. Pleasures of the Flesh
04. And Then There Were None
05. Piranha
06. Deliver Us from Evil
07. No Love
08. Lesson in Violence
09. Strike of the Beast

Posted by Cynyc, at 00:00 |  November 06, 2007  | 1 Comentarii  | 4616 Vizualizari « INAPOI

Comenteaza la: EXODUS au lansat DVD-ul "Double Live Dynamo!"

  • Misto ! Il astept pe torrente.

    1. Posted by naduT | 06 Noiembrie 2007 08:18

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