stiri rock

FOOL'S GAME: supergrup de metal progresiv

FOOL'S GAME: supergrup de metal progresiv

Fool's Game este proiectul chitaristului Matt Crooks (ex-Division), caruia i s-au alaturat pe parcurs alti muzicieni cunoscuti de pe scena americana si europeana de power/progressive metal: Matt Johnsen (Pharaoh), John Macaluso (Starbreaker, ex-Yngwie Malmsteen, ex-Ark, ex-Riot), Lars Larsen (Manticora) si Nick Van Dyk (Redemption). Primul album Fool's Game se numeste Reality Divine (coperta in imagine) si a fost lansat la inceputul lunii septembrie.

Titlurile pieselor de pe Reality Divine:

1. Mass Pyschosis
2. When the Beginning Meets the End
3. Sowing Dead Seeds
4. As the Field of Dreams Was Abandoned
5. The Conqueror Worm
6. Prelude to the Fair
7. She Moved through the Fair
8. The Wild Swans at Coole
9. On Endless Planes of Ignorance

Posted by Klawz, at 00:00 |  September 24, 2009  | 0 Comentarii  | 2181 Vizualizari « INAPOI

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