stiri rock

THE RED CHORD: pregatesc un nou videoclip

THE RED CHORD: pregatesc un nou videoclip

Americanii de la The Red Chord vor filma un nou videoclip in data de 31 octombrie. Piesa aleasa de catre acestia poarta numele Demoralizer si face parte de pe cel mai recent material al formatiei, Fed Through The Teeth Machine, disc lansat in data de 27 octombrie sub egida Metal Blade Records. Fed Through The Teeth Machine a fost produs de catre Jonny Fay, in timp ce de masterizare si de mixaj s-a ocupat Chris "Zeuss" Harris (Despised Icon, Hatebreed, Shadows Fall etc).

Titlurile pieselor ce figureaza pe albumul Fed Through The Teeth Machine sunt urmatoarele:

01. Demoralizer
02. Hour Of Rats
03. Hymns And Crippled Anthems
04. Embarrassment Legacy
05. Tales Of Martyrs And Disappearing Acts
06. Floating Through The Vein
07. Ingest The Ash
08. One Robot To Another
09. Mouthful Of Precious Stones
10. The Ugliest Truth
11. Face Area Solution
12. Sleepless Nights In The Compound


Posted by H., at 00:00 |  October 29, 2009  | 0 Comentarii  | 1895 Vizualizari « INAPOI

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